Membership Criteria!
Who Can Apply?!
Organizations with a clear mission to support sarcoma or any sarcoma subtype are welcome to apply for membership within SPAGN.
All organizations join Sarcoma Patient Advocacy Global Network as Associate Members. Organizations may become a Full Member after one year as an Associate Member, if they meet all the criteria of Full Membership.
Organizations or any other stakeholders who do not fulfill the criteria for Associate or Full Members are invited to apply to become an Affiliate of SPAGN.
Associate Members
SPAGN offers an Associate Membership to not-for-profit, charitable organizations or individuals that share a common purpose and mission. An Associate Member is entitled to receive notice of and attend meetings of Members but does not have voting rights. Membership applications are reviewed and approved based on these criteria by the SPAGN Board of Directors.
Key Features:
- Voting Rights: No voting rights
- Eligibility for Travel Grants: Ineligible for travel grants (e.g., to the SPAGN Annual Conference).
- Leadership Opportunities: Not eligible to be elected to the SPAGN Board of Directors.
- Recognition: Listed on the SPAGN website as Associate Members
- Collaboration Opportunities: Full engagement in SPAGN’s initiatives, projects, and global collaborations.
Full Members
To attain Full Membership status with SPAGN, an organization must meet the following criteria:
- Maintained Associate Membership with Sarcoma Patients for a minimum of one year as an active member.
- Provides comprehensive programs and activities that offer substantial support to individuals affected by sarcoma.
- Demonstrates a firm commitment to SPAGN’s mission and vision.
- Actively participates in initiatives, campaigns, and activities organized by the Network, including the SPAGN Annual Conference or other member meetings.
- Commits to sharing relevant information, resources, and best practices with other Network Members to promote global collaboration.
- Registers as a non-profit or charitable organization (not mandatory).
These criteria are specific to SPAGN and their mission.
Key Features:
- Voting Rights: Full Members have the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
- Eligibility for Travel Grants: Full Members can apply for travel grants, such as those for the SPAGN Annual Conference, supporting their participation in key events.
- Leadership Opportunities: Eligible to be elected to the SPAGN Board of Directors.
- Recognition: Listed on the SPAGN website as Full Members
- Collaboration Opportunities: Full engagement in SPAGN’s initiatives, projects, and global collaborations.
Affiliates - partners and supporters of SPAGN - can be volunteers, individual medical specialists, treatment centers, clinics, research facilities, expert networks, and professional associations etc. who support SPAGN ideationally or with cooperative projects.
Key Features:
- Voting Rights: No voting rights
- Eligibility for Travel Grants: Ineligible for travel grants (e.g., to the SPAGN Annual Conference).
- Leadership Opportunities: Not eligible to be elected to the SPAGN Board of Directors.
- Recognition: May be listed on the SPAGN website, including links to their web pages/institutions, if desired.
- Collaboration Opportunities: Invited to join SPAGN’s initiatives, projects, and global collaborations. Also gaining access to all SPAGN resources and information offers.
Organizations seeking membership must adhere to these guidelines and undergo the approval process established by the SPAGN Board of Directors.