Sarcoma Awareness 2024: The Importance of Early and Correct Diagnosis

Sarcoma Awareness Month is held annually in July, a time when the global sarcoma community comes together with a unified mission: to raise awareness about this rare and often overlooked group of cancers and to highlight the unique challenges faced by patients and their families.
This month is not just a period of recognition but a call to action for everyone. While the initiative is primarily driven by patients and their advocates, it welcomes the participation of a wide array of stakeholders. Individuals, families, caregivers, healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, industry representatives, and the general public are all encouraged to get involved.
Sarcoma Awareness Month is a powerful reminder of the strength and resilience of the sarcoma community. It is a time to stand in solidarity with patients and survivors, to honor those who have lost their lives to the disease, and to reinforce our collective commitment to fighting for a future where sarcoma can be detected early, treated effectively, and, ultimately, cured.
Sarcoma Awareness Month 2024: “The Importance of early and accurate diagnosis”
This year, as a global network of national sarcoma support groups, we want to raise awareness of the importance of early and accurate diagnosis of sarcoma. Together we want to advocate for improving the quality of diagnosis of sarcoma worldwide and thus save lives.
We know that the earlier a tumor is detected, the higher the likelihood that the disease will not have spread and can potentially be treated with less invasive or intensive therapies. This also increases the chance of a cure or improved survival and quality of life for patients. An accurate diagnosis is essential for patients to receive the right treatment. Without that, patients may receive the wrong type or amount (e.g. too much or too little) of tumor therapy.
However, little is known about the realities of sarcoma detection around the world.
To begin to address this challenge, SPAGN is planning a two-part campaign for Sarcoma Awareness Month 2024 and beyond:
- We are sharing information and patient stories to raise awareness of the importance of early and correct diagnosis
- We are conducting a survey to find out what the reality of diagnosing people with sarcoma actually looks like – the Global Sarcoma Diagnosis Pathway Survey
Please be a part and join the campaign!
What can you do?
Awareness “The Importance of early and correct diagnosis”: We provide you with a toolbox that you can use and adapt according to your own needs. This includes background information, text modules and graphics with concise statements on the topic of “Early and correct diagnosis”, as well as filters and social media frames.
Help us raise awareness by sharing these messages during Sarcoma Awareness Month. Feel free to add your own experiences and stories and tag us so that we can make a lot of noise together in July!
Share your story: Tell us how long it took you or your loved ones to get your sarcoma diagnosis – specifically an accurate diagnosis. You can tell us your story by submitting a short text and a video or photo here on our website. Or upload your story to your own social media channel and tag us!
The Global Sarcoma Diagnosis Pathway Survey: Invite your members and contacts to take part in the survey! Please share the link to the survey via your communication channels from website to social media.
We will provide you with text modules, graphics and tools to promote the survey that you are welcome to use and/or adapt.