Bone Sarcoma Alliance

The SPAGN - Bone Sarcoma Alliance is an informal partnership initiative composed of

  • patient groups/organizations
  • patient/parent advocates
  • patient networks


The Bone Sarcoma Alliance operates under the motto 'working together, making a difference' as part of the SPAGN umbrella to:

BSA_Logo_2023_RZ (002)

The Steering Committee

Pan Pantziarka

George Pantziarka TP53 Trust, UK 

Ornela Gonzatto

Fondazione Paola Gonzato Rete Sarcoma / SPAGN, Italy 

Zoe Davison



Our Goal is:
  • To amplify the voice of ALL bone sarcoma patients beyond the specific type of bone sarcoma as well as to implement collaborations among them
  • Bring together the patients and advocates from the different bone sarcoma communities while continuing to work in each patient community for those areas which are disease-specific
  • Share experiences and learn from each other
  • Build “evidence” in order to accelerate advances in patient treatments and lives
  • Collaborate more effectively
  • To better engage with professionals on issues that are common to all bone sarcomas
Member Groups
  1. AGITO (Associazione Genitori Insieme Tumori Ossei)
  2. BCRT
  3. Chondrosarcoma Foundation
  4. Chordoma Foundation
  5. Cum Cura VZW
  6. Érintettek Parents' Association for children with cancer or leukemia in Hungary
  7. EuroEwing Consortium
  8. Fondazione Paola Gonzato Rete Sarcoma / SPAGN
  9. George Pantziarka TP53 Trust
  10. German Sarcoma Foundation
  11. ICONIC
  12. Info Sarcomes
  13. MIB Agents
  14. Osteosarcoma Now
  15. Patientenplatform Sarcomen
  16. Sam Day Foundation
  17. Sarcoma Cancer Ireland
  18. Sarkomer
  19. Sock it to Sarcoma
  20. SPAGN
  21. Stow. Pomocy Chorym Na Miesaki "SARCOMA"
Different diseases, but common concerns:
  • Problems with access to treatment
  • Late diagnosis
  • Quality of life
  • Late effects from treatment
  • Lack of research
  • Lack of support
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