The SPAGN Blog

A graphic with two overlapping speech bubbles and the caption Voices of Sarcoma.

Improving Communication between Patients and Oncologists, Part 1: Rethinking Our Roles

If you are a sarcoma patient, a physician, or a patient advocate, you know that medical encounters are sometimes frustrating and dissatisfying for those involved.

Communication can go wrong in many ways, both big and small.

This is particularly unfortunate when it happens in encounters between patients and oncologists, as there is so much at stake.

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What are your priorities in bone sarcoma research?

Research Priorities in Bone Sarcomas Bone sarcomas are a diverse and hard to treat group of rare cancers. People with bone sarcomas (or primary bone cancer) have high unmet medical needs, and face a range of challenges including delays to diagnosis, disparities in access to treatments and a relative lack of clinical trial and research opportunities.…

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The Value of Patient Involvement in Research

We hear a lot about patient involvement in research these days. It’s a hot topic. But what does it actually mean?

And more importantly, what benefits does it bring?

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Looking back on 2022 and ahead to 2023

How was 2022 for your organization? What accomplishments are you proud of?

We at SPAGN are looking back at what we have done in the past year to impact the treatment and survival of sarcoma patients. We also want to look ahead to our plans for the near future.

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How to Create High-quality Information Materials for Patients, Part 1: Checklist of Key Steps

As any advocate knows, an important task of a patient organization is to produce information materials for patients and their caregivers. This task is not as easy as it looks — after all, most of us advocates have not been trained in journalism or graphic arts or medicine.

We may wonder: What makes a brochure or a website text for patients successful? How can our patient advocacy organization ensure the quality of the patient resources we produce?

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Advocacy 2.0: The Evolving Role of Advocates in Rare Cancers

What do you say when someone asks you what a patient advocate does?

If you asked me, I would answer from my own experience: Advocates work with patients and their families. We support people and we share information with them.

However, as important as these activities may be, there is so much more that we advocates can do.

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Introducing Voices of Sarcoma: Let Your Voice Be Heard

Thirteen years ago, a handful of people touched by sarcoma were united by a common aim: to bring together sarcoma patient groups and enable them to express a collective voice in the healthcare world. Sarcoma Patients Euronet (SPAEN) was born.

This section of our website, our blog, is new. This blog aims to strengthen the global sarcoma community by giving the many voices of sarcoma a chance to be heard. We hope our member organisations and their members will gain benefit from it and see it as an opportunity to contribute as well. Voices of Sarcoma is for everyone to read and contribute to.

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Would you like to submit a text to Voices of Sarcoma?

The blog Voices of Sarcoma covers topics of interest to the wider SPAGN community, which includes patient advocates of our Member Groups, sarcoma patients and caregivers, as well as members of the medical profession.  The aim of the blog is to convey information, share experiences and viewpoints, and strengthen the bonds of the international sarcoma community. While Voices of Sarcoma welcomes submissions on a wide range of topics, we ask that you adhere to our Editorial Guidelines. Find out more.

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