Recording available: SPAGN Knowledge Spot – Gamma Secretase Inhibitors in Desmoid Tumors

SPAEN22 Knowledge Spot Logo_angepasst_breit
SPAEN22 Knowledge Spot Logo_angepasst_breit

"Gamma Secretase Inhibitors - A new paradigm in Desmoid Tumors?"

December 1, 2022, 5pm CET / 11am ET / 9:30pm IST

Update on medical therapies in desmoid tumors, by Prof. Bernd Kasper, University Hospital of Mannheim, Germany, moderated by Christina Baumgarten, SOS Desmoid Germany, SPAGN Board Member

A joint event by SPAGN and the Sarcoma Unit @Mannheim Cancer Center (SarcoMa), Germany



See the recording here.