SPAGN & Members
Sarcoma Patient Advocacy Global Network e.V./Assoc. (SPAGN) welcomes corporate donations, grants and sponsorship to fund certain projects and to enable the association to grow and develop. SPAGN invites companies and individuals to become corporate members or supporters with an annual unrestricted grant. Corporate members include commercial companies/organisations that would like to demonstrate their willingness to…
Read MoreNetworking
Collaboration is key in Sarcomas Sarcomas are rare and are also difficult to diagnose and treat. This leads to many and varying challenges for sarcoma patients, compared with more common cancers. Collaboration can be challenging. Partners can gain strength from finding their common ground, sharing resources and working together, which they cannot do working apart…
Read MoreSPAGN Member Groups
The network only is as strong as its members. SPAGN welcomes every sarcoma, GIST or desmoid patient group and individuals interested in sarcomas worldwide to become part of our network and thus strengthen it. Why join SPAGN? Enjoy information exchange with other members, receive SPAGN newsletters and briefings, an invitation to SPAGN’s annual meeting, short description…
Read MoreTeam
The collaborative association Sarcoma Patients EuroNet (SPAEN) was formed and founded by 11 European GIST, Desmoid and Sarcoma advocacy and support groups April 6th, 2009 in Bad Nauheim/Germany. Ever since, SPAEN has been working in close collaboration with experts, the healthcare industry and other stakeholders, towards improving treatment and care for sarcoma, GIST and desmoid and…
Read MoreSPAGN & Members
Our Members The network only is as strong as its members. SPAGN welcomes every sarcoma, GIST or desmoid patient group and individuals interested in sarcomas worldwide to become part of our network and thus strengthen it. Why join SPAGN? Enjoy information exchange with other members, receive SPAGN newsletters and briefings, an invitation to SPAGN’s annual meeting, short…
Read MoreUK: The Myrovlytis Trust
UK: The Myrovlytis Trust Back to members Organization Profile The Myrovlytis Trust is a medical research charity dedicated to rare conditions including osteosarcoma. We fund research and create patient-centred resources for people affected by osteosarcoma. We have over 10 years of experience working with the rare disease community including: Bridging the gap between patients and researchers Creating accessible patient-centered…
Read MoreBoard of Directors & Team
Board of Directors The “SPAGN Board of Directors” is a voluntary body of elected members who jointly run the organization with the support of a half-time professional, different freelancers and two elected financial auditors. Board members are elected by the Annual General Assembly for the duration of 4 years. Markus Wartenberg Chair Germany 2013 -…
Read MoreSPAGN at a glance
{loadposition position-15} The collaborative association Sarcoma Patient Advocacy Global Network (SPAGN), formerly known as Sarcoma Patients EuroNet (SPAEN) was formed and founded by 11 European GIST, Desmoid and Sarcoma advocacy and support groups April 6th, 2009 in Bad Nauheim/Germany. In close collaboration with experts, the healthcare industry and other stakeholders, SPAEN is working towards improving…
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