About Sarcomas
Sarcoma Facts & Figures
Sarcomas are uncommon cancers that can affect any part of your body. A key symptom of sarcoma is a lump that gets bigger quickly. Most people get diagnosed when their sarcoma is about the size of a large tin of baked beans. There are many different types of sarcoma. All subtypes of sarcoma can be grouped…
Read MoreResearch Bone
All currently available drug therapies in bone sarcoma have been tested in clinical studies in order to be approved today. These clinical studies lead to progress in bone sarcoma therapy and improved outlook for today’s patients. Clinical studies are essential for determining the value of new treatments and their influence on the quality of life…
Read MoreTreatment of Bone Sarcomas
Usually, the treatment of bone sarcomas includes several types of therapy. It is therefore necessary, that the treatment strategy and decision is discussed and taken among a so-called multidisciplinary team of medical and radiation oncologists, surgeons, radiologists and experts from other disciplines if necessary. The treatment strategy depends on different aspects: type of bone cancer,…
Read MoreDiagnosis
The first step to diagnosis is the evaluation of the patient’s medical history and a thorough clinical examination. However, when a swelling, a lump or pain is present, imaging tests are important to assist with diagnosis and staging. Imaging processes create detailed images of limb tissues and internal organs. There are different types of medical…
Read MoreResearch GIST
All currently available drug therapies in GIST have been tested in clinical studies in order to be approved today. These clinical studies lead to progress in GIST therapy and improved outlook for today’s patients. Controlled clinical studies are essential for determining the value of new treatments and their influence on the quality of life of…
Read MoreTreatment of GIST
GIST appears in different forms which range from small, almost unnoticeable 1-2 cm tumors to big, well isolated, operable tumors to bloody tissue proliferation and metastases that run through the abdominal tissue like pearls. All GIST are malignant and have the potential to spread among the whole body. In general: Early discovery and professional treatment…
Read MoreDiagnosis
The diagnostic steps that need to be taken are similar to the ones in soft-tissue sarcomas: The first measure is the evaluation of the patient’s medical history and a thorough clinical examination. However, when a lump is present, imaging tests are important to assist with diagnosis and so-called staging. Imaging processes create internal body images.…
Read MoreDesmoid Research
For desmoids tumors we have no published phase III randomized clinical trials. Most published data are from retrospective case series. More clinical trials are urgently needed.
Read MoreTreatment of Desmoids
As treatment option should be considered hormonal therapy surgery medical therapy radiotherapy chemotherapy isolated limb perfusion hyperthermia “watch and wait” When a DT is suspected the patient management (including biopsy) in a reference center/network is highly recommended. All subjects should be discussed in a multidisciplinary tumor conference. Furthermore a discussion with the patient is necessary…
Read MoreDiagnosis
A biopsy confirming DT diagnosis is mandatory and a definitive histology should be awaited before undertaking any further treatment steps. Additionally a PET, MRI or CT (abdomen) is the main imaging modality to characterize the disease.
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