Register now: SPAGN Annual Conference & New Horizons GIST 2023

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2023 SPAGN Annual Conference
May 11-13, 2023 in Dublin/Ireland
May 13-15, 2023 in Dublin/Ireland
For the first time ever, the SPAGN Annual Conference and the New Horizons GIST Meeting will be held hand in hand.
Since 2010, SPAEN/SPAGN has organized the SPAEN/SPAGN Annual Conferences to bring sarcoma, GIST and desmoid patient groups, experts, researchers and industry together. These conferences were held each year as onsite meetings with approx. 80-100 participants from over 25 countries including patient advocates, leading sarcoma experts and representatives of the pharma industry. The three-day conference focuses on research and treatment, advocacy and capacity building.
The NEW HORIZONS GIST meeting is a great opportunity where patients from the Global GIST Patient Community come together.
For both meeting, registration is open now!
Find more about the SPAGN Annual Conference 2023 here and NEW HORIZONS GIST 2023 here.