Advocacy in Action Award 2022: The Winners

Patient advocacy ensures that people are heard, take action and ultimately improve situations, achieve changes or help to fulfil unmet medical needs. We want to celebrate and honour outstanding practices, projects, initiatives or campaigns and the creators working behind these activities with the SPAGN Advcoacy in Action Award.
We are thrilled with all the great submissions we received for the Advocacy in Action Award 2022 and congratulate the winners:
1st Prize - 2.000 €
DigiSwasthya Foundation, India - Telemedicine For Cancer Care in Rural India
2nd Prize - 1.250 €
Info Sarcomes, France - Sarcoma Symptoms Awareness Campaign
2nd Prize - 1.250 €
FMPJC, Spain - Scholarships for Training & Research in Sarcomas
Read more about the winning projects here.
Want to learn even more? Read our blog article on the winning projects here.