Blog & News

Quality of life in sarcomas?

Aug 1, 2023 |

Incorporating the patient voice in sarcoma research: How can we assess quality of life of sarcoma patients? Soft tissue and bone sarcoma patients form a diverse and rare patient group. Quality of life questionnaires used in research and clinical practice are not…

Read the latest in our SPAGN Newsletter!

Jul 24, 2023 |

  The last few months have been filled with activities, from the SPAGN Annual Conference and New Horizons GIST to our surveys and now Sarcoma Awareness Month in July. And there’s more to come. Read on here in our latest newsletter (July 2023)…

When the Patient Becomes the Researcher

Jul 20, 2023 |

Dr. Sydney Stern, biomedical scientist and patient advocate, describes her personal journey as a patient with a rare tumor disease and her quest for answers through science. She calls for patients to get involved in research and outlines options for doing so.

A photo of Prof. Dr. Bernd Kasper standing on a red bridge which is out of focus.

Facilitating Collaboration in Sarcoma Care

Jul 17, 2023 |

In this interview, SPAGN Communications Director Cory Archibald speaks with Dr. Bernd Kasper, to learn about the role of patient advocacy groups like SPAGN in strengthening global cooperation to improve patient outcomes.

Four people pose for a photo with certificates of recognition that have just been awarded.

Advocacy in Action Award 2022: The Winners

Jul 10, 2023 |

  Patient advocacy ensures that people are heard, take action and ultimately improve situations, achieve changes or help to fulfil unmet medical needs. We want to celebrate and honour outstanding practices, projects, initiatives or campaigns and the creators working behind these activities…

5 Questions Every Patient Should Ask When Searching for Information about Sarcoma

Jul 7, 2023 |

Getting a sarcoma diagnosis is a life-altering event that brings a wave of emotions and questions. Once the initial shock subsides, many patients turn to the internet in search of information about their disease. Despite the common advice of “Whatever you do, don’t google it!”, seeking information about your disease and its treatment can be empowering. Instead of discouraging patients from seeking information, it’s important to guide them towards reliable sources of information and support them in becoming health literate.

What Makes Sarcoma so Challenging?

Jun 30, 2023 |

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month. The aim is to promote an understanding of sarcoma, a rare form of cancer that originates in the connective tissues of the body, such as bones, muscles, and nerves. Unfortunately, sarcomas pose major challenges in diagnosis, management, treatment and research. Sarcoma Awareness Month highlights the goals of the sarcoma community in overcoming these challenges.

Three Patient Advocacy Award Winners and One Sponsor

Jun 28, 2023 |

Three truly impressive initiatives received this year’s Advocacy in Action Awards of the Sarcoma Patients Advocacy Global Network (SPAGN). With the awards, the organization honors outstanding practices, projects, initiatives or campaigns, and the individuals working behind these activities.

Read the stories of Sandeep Kumar from the DigiSwhastya Foundation; Angelika Sandakly of Info Sarcomes (France); and Alberto Martinez Gutierrez from the Fundación Mari Paz Jimenez Casado (Spain). Last but not least, find out what motivated Ornella Gonzato of the Paola Gonzato-Rete Sarcoma Foundation (Italy) to sponsor the prizes.

Our latest SPAGN Newsletter is out!

Apr 21, 2023 |

  The sarcoma community is active – there’s lots for you to check out, to join and make your voice heard as well. Read all updates in in the sarcoma world and SPAGN in our latest newsletter (April 2023) here. Learn more…

A photo of four people, two women and two men, all members of the Sachin Sarcoma Society, posing for a photo in a hospital in India during the pandemic. All are wearing yellow ribbons to symbolise sarcoma awareness and companionship.

How the Pandemic Produced a Sustainable Resource for Sarcoma Patients in India

Apr 20, 2023 |

Sachin Sarcoma Society, a SPAGN Member Group based in India, shares a guest blog about building support networks and overcoming the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.