Blog & News
Italy: Associazione ONLUS: Il pensatore Matteo Amitrano
Contact Information Associazione ONLUS: Il pensatore: Matteo Amitrano Email: info@ilpensatoreonlus.itWeb: Organisation Profile The mission of the group is to stimulate research and support of young patients (children and adolenscents) with osteosarcomas.
Italy: Fondazione Paola Gonzato-Rete Sarcoma ETS
Contact Information Fondazione Paola Gonzato-Rete Sarcoma ETS Email: Web: Contact Person Ornella Gonzato, President Email: Paolo Casali, Chairman Email: Organisation Profile Trust Paola Gonzato-Rete Sarcoma Onlus is the new denomination of Associazione Paola per i tumori muscolo-scheletrici, which…
Italy: LAM Italia ONLUS
Contact Information LAM Italia ONLUS/Italian Association of LymphangioleiomyomatosisUfficio Postale33050 Pavia di UdineItaly Tel. +39 335 5380863Email: info@lam-italia.orgWeb: Contact Person Iris Bassi (President)Email: Organisation Profile LAM Italy aims to support an effective treatment and cure of lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). Main…
Italy: Le Ali Onlus and COO-BS (Centro di Oncologia Ortopedica – Brescia)
Contact Information Le Ali Onlus Web: COO – Centro di Oncologia Ortopedica – Brescia: Web: www.coobs.itEmail: Contact Person Le Ali Onlus President: Francesca Piccolo: COO-BS (Centro di…
Italy: Luogo di incontro per scambiarsi informazioni sul tumori Desmoide o Fibromatosi agressiva
Contact Information Luogo di incontro per scambiarsi informazioni sul tumori Desmoide o Fibromatosi agressiva Email: elisaruo@yahoo.itWeb: Contact Person Elisa Baldoin (Patient)Email:
Italy: Noi per Voi per il Meyer Onlus – Associazione di Genitori, contro le leucemie e i tumori infantili
Contact Information Noi per Voi per il Meyer Onlus – Associazione di Genitori, contro le leucemie e i tumori infantili Tel: +39 (0)55-580030Tel/Fax +39 (0)55-414433Email: info@noipervoi.orgWeb: Organisation Profile Noi per Voi is an association of parents against leukemia and childhood cancers,…
Italy: RUKIJE un raggio di sole – Associazione pazienti oncologici dell’aparato muscolo-scheletrico
Contact Information RUKIJE un raggio di sole – Associazione pazienti oncologici dell’aparato muscolo-scheletricoVia Fontanelle di Sant’Apollaria, 16 cap 00039 Zagarolo (Roma)Italy Email: info@rukije.orgWeb: Contact Person Monica Morelli (President) Email: Organisation Profile The activities of the association are addressed to people…
Italy: Soft Tissue Sarcoma People’s Organization
Contact Information Soft Tissue Sarcoma People’s OrganizationWeb: Organisation Profile Soft Tissue Sarcoma People’s Organization is a web-site with information, resources and personal experiences realting to soft tissue sarcoma and contains two main areas: The first area of this web-site includes…
Netherlands: Chordoma Foundation Europe
Email: nederland@chordomafoundation.orgWeb: Organisation Profile The Chordoma Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to curing chordoma. Started in the USA in 2007, the Chordoma Foundation is still the only existing organization that unites and represents chordoma patients. Given the rarity of this…
Netherlands: Contactgroep GIST Nederland – België
Contact Information Contactgroep GIST Nederland – BelgiëPostbus 8152 3503 RD UtrechtTel.: (030) 291 60 90Email: info@contactgroepgist.nlWeb: Organisation Profile Established in 2003, Contactgroep GIST is the organization for Dutch and Flemish speaking GIST patients (and their families), with members in…